Monday, August 16, 2010

School Decisions

Well I came to a conclusion late last night. Maybe not a conclusion, but definitely an option. I've decided that since its clear that I will not be attending Copper Mountain College's nursing program this semester, I would still like to do something productive with my time. So I've decided to apply to the University of Maryland University College. UMUC is an online university with special consideration for military and their families. Since I will be having to go online, and since they do not offer a nursing degree, I have chosen to pursue my psychology BS there while I'm waiting on Copper Mountain. This way I might graduate with a bachelor's anyway. Either way I will be able to go on to my grad degree.
I'm a little sad that it is not in nursing. But when I thought about it, my real dream is to get my PhD in some form of science. I haven't decided which, but that has always been my end goal. So I am willing to forgo nursing to do that. It has actually been quite a relief. I have been trapping myself in this small area of only nursing, and now that I have stepped out, I feel more optimistic.
So I have applied. And I will able to still take time off until the husband deploys. My semester can start in August, September or October. While the husband is off fighting bas guys, I'm going to buckle down and do my best to graduate as soon as I can. Since it is online, I will still be able to stay home with the baby. Now I just need to think about what I want to get my PhD in......

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