I am a 26 year old Marine Wife who is married to her best friend. We live where ever the Marine Corps tells us to! We are stationed currently in lovely Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center 29 Palms. We share our home with our dog, Isabelle and cat, Noah and are expecting a baby in summer 2011. I blog for many reasons. Mainly to keep family and friends updated on how we are doing on the other side of the country, but also to meet new people in like situations, or to just entertain. I am just an average girl with a slight zombie obsession, a Marine for a husband and growing belly with diminishing balance. This is our unaverage life. Few women know what it is like to be married to the military much less a Marine. And as I learned quickly only those women truly understand what its like. I just hope to share a little about our life. Our life is not always cake, but when things are good it is worth all the sacrifices.
If you would like a button link to my page to post on your blog please email me at: christyisabrat@yahoo.com