101 Goals in 1001 Days

So this is my day zero thing, or whatever it is called.  Basically it is a list of goals that I am setting for myself to accomplish within the next 1001 days.  I will mark through each goal as I complete it! So here we go! Day 1 begins today: September 18, 2010 and ends on June 16th, 2013.

1. Have a baby
2. Watch Juli (my sister) graduate high school
3. Help organize a successful family reunion
4. Spend Christmas and Thanksgiving with my family during the deployment
5. Send a hand written letter to every member of my family
6. Communicate twice a month with my in-laws during hubby's deployment
7. Attend Justin and Courtney's wedding
8. Send my cousin Holly 2 packages during her deployment
9. Make it to first ultrasound appointment/OB visit
10. Find out if we are having a girl or a boy
11. Get a 3-D ultrasound
12. Do not gain more than 30 pound during my pregnancy
13. Breast feed my baby
14. Paint the baby's room
15. Set up the baby's nursery

16. Become fluent in Spanish
17. Graduate with my bachelors degree
18. Learn a 3rd language
19. Read my Med Surg book
20. Apply to grad school
21. Make an A on a med surg test

22. Make the perfect cupcake
23. Write a healthy mexican food cook book
24. Perfect the mexican white sauce recipe
25. Eat one of every pita offered at Extreme Pita
26. Try every restaurant in 29 Palms (bars do not count)
27. Make a pumpkin pie from scratch
28. Grow a pumpkin
29. Master the use of the Char-Coal grill
30. Make a homemade sugar cookie recipe for xmas
31. Make a cheese cake (without burning it)
32. Bake a banana nut bread without burning the crust

33. Pass a USMC PFT
34. Play an intramural sport on base
35. Utilize the personal trainer at the gym on base
36. Have a six pack
37. Attend a yoga class

38. Volunteer 3x for a good cause
39. Participate in the Marine Wife community
40. Get a job helping veterans
41. Help a stranger
42. Vote in the next presidential election

43. Watch every episode of The Office
44. Visit the White House
45. Visit Las Vegas
46. Visit New York City
47. Read every book in my book shelves
48. Attend a live UFC event
49. See the Aurora Borealis
50. Visit Disney Land
51. Visit the Grand Canyon
52. Visit Scranton, PA
53. Watch every episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender
54. Successfully complete an entire game of Monopoly
55. Take a fun class on base
56. Have a girl's night out involving Karaoke
57. Attend a Braves game while stationed in California

58. Read the Bible
59. Give up something more significant for Lent
60. Find and attend a church on base

61. Survive a deployment 
62. Write my husband a letter a week while he is deployed
63. Finish my family care plan
64. Go to a Marine Corps Birthday ball
65. Greet hubby with run and jump kiss at his home coming from Afg
66. Send my husband a package a month during his deployment
67. Attend a concert on base
68. Make a welcome home sign for my husband

Just For Me/Us
69. Train Isabelle to roll over
70. Start my own business
71. Have my wedding ceremony
72. Take wedding pics with my husband
73. Grow my hair past my shoulders
74. Spend my honeymoon in Palm Springs
75. Finish my sleeve
76. Take a week long vacation with my husband 
77. Pay off all our debt
78. Have 100 followers on my blog
79. Make a best friend in 29 palms
80. Go swimming with my husband
81. Go an entire week without putting myself down
82. Learn and understand the rules of football
83. Buy an SUV and pay for it in full
84. Dress up for Halloween every year
85. Have maternity photographs taken
86. Have a natural child birth
87. Get all my financial filing up to date
88. Go through and purge all the things we don't use/need in the house.
89. Master the smokey eye
90. Decorate/Clean/Set up garage gym
91. Teach Isabelle how to behave around other dogs
92. Take Isabelle to the dog park
93. Pamper myself with a mani/pedi once a month

Arts and Crafts
94. Finish up the wedding pages in the scrap book
95. Successfully knit a scarf
96. Sew a diaper bag
97. Buy a nice camera and take professional looking photos
98. Sew a top for myself
99. Hand make everyone's Christmas gift one year
100. Organize all the pictures in my picture box
101. Sew my baby's first blanket